Latest Updates – New widgets, client-defined declarations, and new document naming

This week’s updates:

  • Update your declarations
  • Updated Conditions on Practice language
  • New Profile Update, Learning Plan, and Audit statistic dashboard widgets
  • New document naming
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements

The latest version of Alinity is continually being improved, with new updates released regularly. Performance and security updates are included in virtually every release, alongside new features to help improve member experience, administrative efficiency and streamline workflows. Here are a few of the most significant changes implemented in our latest update package.

Update your declarations

Getting member forms defined correctly on the first attempt isn’t easy.  Finding the right language to use,  intuitive layouts and effective business rules is critical for a smooth member experience (not to mention they have to look pretty too). But you don’t want to be calling the support desk every time you need to make a change to a form; that’s why we’re always looking for ways to increase your control over the definition of forms.

To that end, this update allows you to create and define your own declarations, complete with the ability to block the automatic approval of forms. The functionality is similar to the Preference Groups feature we recently released (which you can read about here if you haven’t been keeping up), and is currently implemented in your Test system. This feature is available in the January 2019 production release.

Updated Conditions on Practice language

Another feature of this week’s update that we wanted to bring to your attention is a minor language issue. Many Health Professions Acts across the country  refer to the placement of Conditions on Practice when restricting some members’ breadth of practice. That language is also used by most of our clients. Alinity, was using the term ‘restrictions’; that is, until this update brought us in line with the preferred language.

New Profile Update, Learning Plan, and Audit statistic dashboard widgets

Hopefully by now most of you are used to seeing statistics on renewals and applications using the respective dashboard widgets. Well we went ahead and added new statistic widgets for profile updates, learning plans and audits as well. If you’ve been using dashboard statistic widgets then you already know what to expect. If you haven’t tried them out yet, well, now you have even more options to start investigating!

New document naming

This one probably belongs in the Coming Soon section, but we felt it was an important enough upcoming change that it deserved its own section. If you’ve been reading these announcements regularly, then you know we’ve been fighting the good fight for a while now when it comes to providing useful document names. This week we’ve got some more headway to tell you about on that front!

Just to give you some background, there are two types of documents in Alinity. First, there are the ones that Alinity creates itself, and we’ve made sure the system provides useful, descriptive titles for those. The second type of documents are user-uploaded documents. These are the documents that members use to support name changes in profile updates, or to support learning plan claims, criminal record checks and so on. Pictures of documents taken with users’ mobile phone cameras, for example, are typically just a string of letters and numbers, like IMG-6754, for example.

Until now, Alinity had been showing the title of these documents, but IMG-6754 is a meaningless name. That’s why we’re changing things in the next production release to show the type of document and its context; that is, whether the document is a transcript or criminal record check, and which field or area of any given form that the document was uploaded too. This will make document and image titles much more useful and informative for staff and administrators.

Bug fixes and performance enhancements

There was nothing exceptionally noteworthy on the bug fix front this week, though of course a few minor glitches were cleaned up behind the scenes. When it comes to the performance enhancements though, we’re happy to say this update dramatically improves the speed of determining the status of an audit record.

Coming soon

Just one more week until the winter holiday break but that doesn’t mean we’re slowing down. We’ve been working on a few major components for the upcoming Jurisprudence module, so expect to be seeing some big news on that front soon.

We’re still putting the finishing touches on a few other things so that’s it for now, but we’ve got one more set of updates for you before the break so be sure to check back next week!
