6 Things Our Support Desk Wants You To Know

Our support desk at Alinity/Permitsy regularly has a very busy day, as it probably is in any software company. Each day we have a standup meeting to discuss the progress of tickets that clients send in that specify requests, errors, and questions. We want to make sure all our regulatory bodies are getting their solutions […]

Tech Glossary: Technical Terms Explained in Everyday Language

With the success of The Support Desk Glossary, we decided to make a general terms version. These are terms that are used across all industries, not just Permitsy. Some of them are commonly said around modern households, such as “IP address” and some are less brought up, like “query.” These definitions are written in non-technical […]

The Support Desk Glossary!

The Support Desk pretty much has a language on their own. Instead of using regular everyday language, they have jargon that is sometimes specific to our company. How are we supposed to naturally know what developers are talking about? Most people that do not work in coding, programming, or anything computer related don’t know what […]

Database Management: Tags vs. Taxonomy

When it comes to a large number of items, whether it’s documents or online profiles, you need to have a method for grouping them to create organization and make it easier to locate them. There are two common methods to grouping: folksonomy (tags) and taxonomy. Folksonomy Folksonomy is arranging groups through collaborative classifications in a […]

Best Practices for Handling Late Renewal

We like to hope that the vast majority of our registration renewals happen before the expiry date of your registrant’s license, and in most cases they do. Registrants usually complete their renewals in a timely manner. But every college has registrants that are habitually late for renewal, just like we all have that one employee who’s […]

Find the Right Management Software for Your Association.

You’re probably reading this because you’ve identified that your current solution doesn’t quite meet the needs of a modern association or regulatory body. Maybe you’re still using paper-based membership renewals and applications, or the current system is just too costly to maintain. Maybe your members or the public are asking for features that are not […]

Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL) and Regulatory Bodies

A topic that has been of discussion for about the past year is the Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL). What is CASL? Well it’s not that simple, but to summarize it, it was officially enforced by the Canadian Radio-Televion and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) on July 1, 2014. It made it mandatory for organizations to gain consent […]

Association Management vs. License Management Software

If you’ve read our website, you’ve probably read the terms “association management” and “license management” about ten to twenty times over. You’ve actually probably first heard of us because you were looking for an association management software. Most people don’t know the difference between the two and refer to them both as association management. Another […]

It’s The Time of Responsive Design

Adaptive vs. Responsive Web Design There are two types of web designs out there: adaptive and responsive. First off, what is adaptive and responsive design? Well, adaptive design is what you don’t want your website to be. It’s the type of web design that is set for one type of resolution, most times a computer or laptop […]

Data Conversion: The Difference Between Good and Bad Data

Data conversion. What is data conversion? Is it the same as data migration? Not quite. Although, data migration does require data conversion in it’s process. Here are there definitions: Data Conversion: the conversion of computer data from one format to another. Data Migration: the process of transferring data from one database to another database. Why do we […]
