Making Your Regulatory Body a Leader to Members

A regulatory body, while keeping the public protected and enforcing government policies, should not be only responsible for keeping members compliant but for also providing leadership. Leadership doesn’t just mean that the members need to listen and follow the rules of the College because they have to; it means a regulatory body should strive to be a […]

Make Your Life Easier: Recycle Email Content

Communicating through email, as we all know, is fast and effective. Creating emails, however, can be a pain! We often write the same things over and over, and just update a few things here and there to communicate a new message. Why keep starting emails from scratch when it can be easier? If you’ve created an […]

Email Management: Let Others Read Your Email!

Let others read my email?! What?! No, it’s not what you think! Just read on… Have you ever locked yourself out of your house? What do you do once you are locked out of your house? You pretty much are stuck to have to wait until someone lets you in because you don’t have access […]

Public Registry Best Practices for Regulatory Bodies – Part 2

What should a public registry look like? In part 1 of this series we talked about what a public registry is used for and showed a couple of examples of registries that were very simple or medium level amounts of details.  In this post we’ll show an example of a public registry that shows much more […]

Public Registry Best Practices for Regulatory Bodies – Part 1

What should a public registry look like? If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years of implementing association management software for regulatory bodies, it’s that no one does things exactly the same – and the Public Register (also known as Public Registry or Registrant Directory) is no exception. The public register is the set […]

Competence Audits for Regulatory Body Management

Mandatory Continuing Competence We’ve recently been posting about different topics relevant to Continuing Competence and how it is important and mandatory for professionals to continue their education regularly in order to benefit and protect the public the most. Other than marking exams, how do Colleges know their members are competent? CCP Audits at random selection Like […]

Budgeting for Association Management Software Procurement

The majority of people that are purchasing a major software, such as Alinity, have not done so before. Purchasing small software for accounting or book keeping doesn’t really count as major software. Major software costs large amounts of money, often thousands to tens of thousands of dollars, as well as allocating a significant amount of […]

Best Practices: Protect Your Association from Phishing Emails

Associations fall victim to Phishing Emails too In light of recent news, where an Alberta regulatory body became victim of a phishing email resulting in a data breach, we wanted to provide some information about what phishing is and some steps that you and your members can take to ensure that you are as safe as possible. While […]

5 Tips to Improve the Application Process

The best way to keep your relationship on a positive note with anyone is communication. That’s really what it’s all about, so why not with your association management software? We don’t just mean communication in the traditional sense of back and forth dialogue, but by letting applicants know ahead of time what is required. By doing […]

Submitting Data to CIHI

Most regulatory bodies have to submit data to external organizations. Often these submissions are in the form of aggregated totals of ages, registration classes, etc. These can generally be completed by sending them a report.  Other times though, the data you send is highly detailed – perhaps sending a list of your registrants off to […]
