Seven Deadly Sins of Association Management Software Procurement

Lately, we’ve been publishing posts mainly about association software procurement. Many organizations end up on our page when they are seeking new software, so, we thought a fun post for today would be to write about the 7 Deadly Sins of Software Procurement! These “sins” are just some don’ts in the process of procuring. Gluttony […]

Best Practices of Regulatory Body Staff

The staff of a regulatory body may have to look at hundreds of applications annually, and just like we wonder when we apply for a job, are they actually looking at each application with fair eyes? Are some reviewers more lenient than others when it comes to an application showing less experience than another? Not only is […]

Up-front vs. Subscription Costs of Association Management Software

Adopting new enterprise software is a huge deal. It’s not like adopting a new desk, or new office chair; it has to be learned how to be used by everyone, has a high budget, and involves interacting with a vendor for a few months that will hopefully meet your needs. It also takes months to completely […]

Database Management: Tags vs. Taxonomy

When it comes to a large number of items, whether it’s documents or online profiles, you need to have a method for grouping them to create organization and make it easier to locate them. There are two common methods to grouping: folksonomy (tags) and taxonomy. Folksonomy Folksonomy is arranging groups through collaborative classifications in a loose […]

The Benefits Of Software Trials Before Procurement

Months ago we wrote about the different methods to finding a suitable software to procure. Today we’ll focus on just one of those methods: trials. We test drive cars and try on clothes because we want to actually experience a product before putting our dollars towards it. It only makes sense to, especially if the […]

Continuing Competence – CEU vs. Reflective

Continuing Competence In order to acquire a professional license, people must continue their education and provide the College or association with proof of continuing competence. In our most recent posts about the different parts of Continuing Competence (self-assessment,jurisprudence, etc.), there are many ways Colleges will ask members to show they are looking to improve themselves […]

Continuing Competence: Jurisprudence Exams

Mandatory Assessment One of the methods that regulatory bodies and associations use to measure their registrants’ competence is through a jurisprudence examination. A jurisprudence exam ensures members have the required knowledge to practise their profession within the industry’s provincial and federal laws. When professionals are knowledgeable and educated about the legislation and regulatory policies in their […]

Continuing Competence Self-Assessment Tools for your Association

Purpose Colleges use self-assessment tools for their members to look back, think about, and reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, knowledge regarding standards of practice, code of ethics, laws and regulations, as well as to plan future learning goals. They may be written at any time, but are commonly bundled with license renewal. The member uses it to make […]

Switching Your Association Management Software Gradually

Bringing in a whole new enterprise system Switching over your association to a new enterprise software for any organization involves risks and a lot of money. It’s a huge, terrifying project that causes a ton of stress and anxiety. How will staff adapt? How will your association like the software once all is said and […]
