Advanced Searching

The vast majority of the searches you run are going to be fairly basic, but many regulators deal with thousands or even tens of thousands of registrants. And when there’s that many registrants to keep track of, your bound to need some extra searching power to find everyone you need to, all the time. That’s where […]

Document Management

Many regulatory authorities and professional colleges need to keep detailed records of their registrants’ education, competence credentials, proof of insurance, identification and other documents. Even in this day and age of internet connected computers and smartphones the reality is that many regulatory authorities still depend on physical filing systems. And even if they have moved […]

Organization Management for Regulatory Authorities

Managing the licenses of their registrants may comprise the bulk of regulatory authorities’ work, but it isn’t the be all and end all of their duties. Many colleges and professional associations also work extensively with a variety or organizations. Whether those organizations employ registrants, are also regulated as part of the health professions act they […]

What to look for when shopping for a new AMS

We say it a lot, but it’s true; regulatory authorities serve an important function by protecting the public interest and helping ensure the competence of the professionals and organizations they license and oversee. And because they provide such a critical service, it’s important that they have the best tools available to them to work accurately […]

Tips for Building a Better Form

Applications. Renewals. Competence audits and reviews. Regardless of their use, forms are an integral part of most regulatory authority workflows. You may have different registers and sections that members can move between, or different education streams for new applicants. This means many of your forms are likely client-facing, so in addition to capturing important information, […]

6 Reasons Your College Needs an Integrated Solution

The day-to-day operations of any given College or regulatory body are complex and intricate affairs, though sometimes it may not seem that way. You might perform some tasks on a daily basis, running them so often they seem like second nature. But just because you’ve learned how to accomplish a task using the system you’ve […]

A New Version of Alinity Deserves a New Website!

Hello again, everybody! You might have noticed that it’s been a while since we’ve posted but there’s a good reason. With the recent release of the new and improved Alinity, we figured it was time to give our website an upgrade as well. We’ve been working hard to put the finishing touches on it, and […]

3 Tips for Protecting Your Membership’s Private Information

By necessity, regulatory authorities have to handle sensitive personal information about their registrants on a day-to-day basis. Member’s names, contact information, education transcripts and more are all critical for regulatory authorities to effectively protect the public interest. However, protecting the public interest isn’t your only obligation; handling so much private information also means you have a […]

Exam Management Integration

As part of their duty to protect the public interest, many regulatory authorities require new applicants or probationary registrants to demonstrate their proficiency by taking a written exam. Unfortunately, the logistics of providing exams can prove to be challenging, time intensive and expensive. However, there are steps you can take to streamline the exam process, thereby […]

How North American Anti-Spam Laws May Affect Regulatory Bodies.

Being able to effectively communicate with your membership is a necessity for regulatory bodies across the country. Staff and administration often have to communicate a wealth of information. From application feedback to renewal reminders and continuing education audit notifications, getting information to members quickly and reliably is critical. For many licensors, email is the tool of […]
