Cleaning Data for CIHI Delivery

For many regulatory authorities, the annual CIHI report can be a tedious and time-consuming process. Data must be captured, processed, submitted, and potentially cleaned and resubmitted multiple times. Unlike generic association management software, Alinity is specifically designed to address the unique needs of regulatory authorities, such as annual CIHI exports. With the optional Database Management […]

Taking CIHI Snapshots with Alinity

For many regulatory authorities, the annual CIHI report can be a tedious and time-consuming process. Unlike generic association management software, Alinity is specifically designed to address the unique needs of regulatory authorities, such as annual CIHI exports. Typically, data must be captured, processed, submitted, and potentially cleaned and resubmitted multiple times. But with Alinity’s optional Database […]

Setting Up Fees, Part Two – Adding Fees to Registers

Registration fee setup is an important part of configuring your Alinity application. Fees are used by Alinity on invoices generated automatically for members and applicants. There are two key processes to configuring fees; creating the Catalog Item that represents the fee, and associating it with a register. This post is all about the second of […]

Setting Up Fees, Part One – Creating Catalog Items

Registration fee setup is an important task in configuring your Alinity application. Fees are used by Alinity on invoices generated automatically for members and applicants. While most fees are associated with registration functions like renewals, reinstatements, and applications, you also use these features to create prices for merchandise and ad hoc services if you offer […]

Easy Exporting

While Alinity has many operational and analytical reports built in, there may be times where you want to export your data to perform your own analysis and reporting in other tools, like Excel. The export feature was created for that purpose. You may also need to export data to the Canadian Institute for Health Information […]

Changing and Adding Fees

Many regulatory authorities charge a variety of fees to members to help cover their operational costs, but of course, fees occasionally change. Fortunately, changing fees in Alinity is straightforward and simple.   Start by logging in and clicking the Accounting tab on the side navigation bar of the main dashboard to expand the Accounting options […]

Simplified Reconciliation

Reconciliation of transactions is an important part of every regulatory authority’s accounting workflows. Regular account reconciliation helps ensure all transactions are accounted for, tracks down specific payments, and helps identify and prevent potential accounting errors. The reconciliation process can be broken down into three stages; reconciling the electronic payments recorded between your bank and your […]

Multilingual Services

As an association management software solution built specifically for regulatory authorities, Alinity is dedicated to meeting the needs of Colleges and professional associations across the country. For some regulatory authorities, one of those needs is to provide services in multiple languages. In Alinity, the ability to offer services in multiple languages is built directly into […]

Advanced Searching, Document Management, and Learning Plans

Spring has sprung, and now it’s time to take a look at some of the new features of Alinity that we’ve rolled out over the last few months.  Version 6 is packed with new features including mobile device support, document management and a built-in emailing feature. Check out some of our recent videos to see the […]

Learning Plans

Most regulatory authorities operate competence programs of some kind as part of their mandate to ensure the proficiency and professionalism of their membership. As an association management software designed specifically for regulatory authorities, Alinity’s continuing competence module is just one of several optional modules available to expand the scope of functions of your implementation. One […]
