Release Notes: February 2025

The February 2025 release of Alinity was deployed to Test environments on February 11th and was deployed to Production environments on February 20th. A summary of the changes included in this release appear below.

Product Release Webinar 

New Features 

Change Login Email | Member Portal

Members will now see the option to update their own login email in the same section of their profile where they would update their password. This requires a verification steps to prove the member has access to both their existing email address and the new one. Manual email changes remain available to administrators as they did before.

Email Volume Statistics Widget | Admin Dashboard

We have added a new dashboard widget that displays both the 6-month view of the volume of emails that have been sent out as well as your email sending limit. Administrators will now have the option to include a new widget on their dashboard as well as view the info on their subscription page.

Feature Improvements 

Revenue by catalog item report | Accounting

The “revenue by catalog item” detail and summary reports have been updated to accommodate invoice adjustments. It will now not only use the adjusted amount if applicable, but will also group catalog items based on the adjusted price.

Pending Payments Widget | Admin Dashboard

The Pending (Unresponsive) Payments widget on the admin dashboard now provides help text to indicate the status of the pending payment as well as a link to a help article to learn more about how to resolve pending payments. 

Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Refunds | Accounting

We have updated the PAD Batches and individual registrant PAD Subscription screens to more clearly show that a refund has occurred.

Bulk Event Delete | Complaints

Similar to how complaint events can be marked complete in bulk, we have now added the option to delete complaint events in bulk. However, an event cannot be selected for deletion in bulk if there is an existing document, note or task attached to the event.

Practice Details by Year | Admin

We made an update to the label of the Practice Hours by Year section of the member profile. As this section contains more information that just hours, we’ve updated the title to be “Practice Details by Year.”

Bug Fixes

System Generated PDF’s | Admin

When some forms were creating PDF’s, there was an extra blank page generated at the end. We believe this has been resolved now and a blank page at the bottom of the pdf should not appear.

Invoice Time-out | Member Portal

When a pending payment was already present, if a member attempted to open an unpaid invoice, it was likely that the invoice would load slowly time out. This has been resolved.

Reapplied Payment Showing as Doubled in Journal | Accounting

When a payment was unapplied from an invoice and then applied to another invoice. The journal view of the GL transaction on the payment page was showing a doubled amount in the debit column. The audit view and reports were unaffected. This has no been resolved.

Invoice Access Error | Accounting

When an administrator had the Member Financials permission toggled on and not the Accounting Administrator permission, if they were to view an invoice, they would see an error message overlaying the invoice saying the their account doesn’t have access to the page. This was connected specifically to the GL Transactions section of the invoice and has been resolved.

Next release

The March 2025 release of Alinity is scheduled for deployment to production sites March 20th.
